Whoopsies, this is my bad side!

Chuang Yang

PhD Candidate
Social Robotics Lab, Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering;
Institute for Functional Intelligent Materials;
National University of Singapore

Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering
National University of Singapore
Singapore 117583

yangchuang@{nuaa.edu.cn, u.nus.edu}

About Me

Mr. Chuang Yang (杨闯) is a joint Ph.D. candidate of Electrical and Computer Engineering, supported by China Scholarship Council, working with Prof. Shuzhi Sam Ge at Social Robotics Lab, Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering, and Institute for Functional Intelligent Materials(under the Directorship of Nobel Laureate Prof. Konstantin Novoselov), National University of Singapore. He is also a PhD candidate of Navigation, Guidance and Control working with Prof. Jianye Liu and Prof. Zhi Xiong at Navigation Research Center, College of Automation Engineering, Nanjing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics, China.

His research focuses on Neuromorphic Swarm Robotics. His research goal is to build intelligent & low-power Robot Swarms that can navigate in 3D space as social animals do, and can understand, reason about, and interact with each other like humans do in real-world settings. His research interests include: Brain Inspired Spatial Cognition, Navigation and Decision-Making; Neuromorphic Computing; Cooperative Navigation; Inertial-based Integrated Navigation; SLAM; Swarm Robotics.

He is a member of IEEE, Royal Institute of Navigation, Chinese Association for Artificial Intelligence, Chinese Neuroscience Society, Chinese Association of Automation, and Chinese Society of Aeronautics and Astronautics. He is a responsible editor of Navigation Positioning and Timing, and also a Journal Reviewer of IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics, Chinese Journal of Aeronautics, Aircraft Engineering and Aerospace Technology, and Navigation Positioning and Timing.